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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Vodafone 3G Unlimited Download Trick Working With BB Plan 2014 Dec & Jan

Hello friends,
Now we are representing unlimited data usage trick  of Vodafone . This trick is not related with Pd Proxy , this is different from Pd Proxy as Pd Proxy has limited access to use data hence we modified this trick with different way . As a result this trick is supporting unlimited  data usage without any limited access . This trick is modified and confirmed in all over  India working fine  with great 3G speed without any speed restriction. In few case , we can use unlimited usage of data , there are certain issue like sim blocking  in Airtel and other networks have Pd Proxy limited access. So , Grab these type of unique tricks before blockage.


This trick is not depended on Tcp 443 , 80 or 37 protocol , this trick works with high speed freshly discovered new UDP port and some modifications (read in attachment ). This trick is not modified with Vpnbook Udp configs , hence this trick is unique and  till working with 3G speed in all over India.

This trick is different from other tricks like Pd Proxy and Nmd Vpn Udp configs etc. This trick is unique and working in all over India. Confirmed by our friends and premium members as result working with mind blowing speed without any speed restriction and data restriction.

 Requirements :
  1.   Vodafone   3G  Sim card.
  2. APN[access point name] is in attachment.
  3. small 3g pack required .
  4. Sufficient for this trick.

Features :

1.No disconnection problem

2.No blocking issue in  Vodafone .

3.Unlimited Downloads.

5.High speed suffering and downloading supported.

6.Based on High speed  Udp port.

7. High speed upto 900kbps to 1 mbps Kbps  downloading speed in IDM.
8. Torrent downloads supported.

Just download the attachment via completing short survey and open " Read 1st.txt "  in attachment and follow the instructions to use the trick in easy way.

This trick is already discovered as you heared about PD Proxy trick of vodafone but this trick is totally different from the previous shared Pd Proxy trick, we renovated this trick and modified this trick to use unlimited usage of data.

Use the trick according to the  instruction given  in text file in the attachment of vodafone 3G trick, instructions are simple and easily under-stable  . Apn is given in the attachment and  small 3G tariff plan required for full 3G access.

                                                               Aircel Unlimited 3G BBM Trick Dec-January 2013- 14 Working

                                                    Download Link

 Mirror 1                                                                                                                  Mirror2                                              


  1. This trick is working with BlackBerry plan only..??
    Or we can use with small 3g pack also?

  2. If speed is 2g than activate little 3g plan.
